We believe reaching college students and faculty with the real hope of Jesus has
the potential to change the world!
the potential to change the world!
Ministry Opportunities
The university is a crucial mission field. We're looking for those who can
lead, take initiative, and love this mission field well.
lead, take initiative, and love this mission field well.
Campus Staff Ministers invite students into community, Bible study, witness, and leadership development. We want to see students transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed.
Student InternshipsPART-TIME | SUMMER | PAID
Our summer internship program allows current students to get a taste of what Campus Staff Ministers do, day in and day out. During this 6-week paid cohort, Student Interns grow in spiritual formation and campus ministry skills through mentoring and hands-on experience in community with other Student Interns.
Campus VolunteersVOLUNTEER
Campus Volunteers partner with local staff to join in what God is doing on campus according to their availability and interest. Volunteer opportunities range from occasional to on-going, serving at events to coaching & mentoring student leaders.